Our first issue of 2025 is here and it's packed with loads of brilliant features, including:
- Project Groundwater Northumbria
The first in a series of articles covering the innovative work they're doing - Met Office and Environment Agency
15 years of the Flood Forecasting Centre - SuDS design and water quantity: back to basics
By ADS - Porthcawl Sandy Bay Coastal Scheme
Restoring flood defences, enhancing biodiversity and managing coastal risk - a case study - Leeds flood alleviation scheme
Protecting the city from future flooding - a case study - Mansfield sustainable flood resilience project
A £76 million scheme, the biggest of its kind in the UK - a case study - Advancements in flood forecasting
By Turgut Vatan Tosun, Senior Drainage Engineer at Mott MacDonald
There's loads more inside, including the caricatures from visitors to our stand at Floodex in November.
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Email Donna for editorial - donna@floodindustry.com, and Simon for advertising - simon@floodindustry.com