A date for your diary: Floodex 2025

3 important events in one great show - 26th and 27th November 2025 at ExCel London.

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A date for your diary: Floodex 2025


Floodex is the largest trade show in the UK for the flooding, drainage and water management sectors, and one that we wouldn't want to miss here at Flood Industry HQ!

Now in its 10th year, Floodex is probably the most comprehensive trade show for anyone working within flood defence planning, mitigation and recovery. This includes all aspects from catchment areas & water level management, through SuDS to flood defence systems.

If you want to see a very focused audience of decision makers,buying powers, policy shapers and professionals from across the market this is the event for you. 

Including but not limited to: Internal Drainage Boards/ Local Authorities / County Councils / District Councils, flood officers, engineers, councillors, cabinet members and professionals who are responsible for the following: drainage, environment, flooding, green spaces, highways, housing, Local Enterprise Partnerships, rural associations, farming and animal management.

Other visitors include; contractors, developers, property asset managers, insurers, logistics managers, facility managers, engineers and planners, architects, infrastructure companies, engineering companies, and consultants, drainage companies and Local Enterprise Partnership representatives.

Floodex now sits alongside the National Drainage Show and Waterways Management Show, all in the same halls at Excel, in London with CPD accredited theatres covering each area. 

The benefits of being able to mix with such a qualified audience are far reaching; creating new contacts for the future and catching up with old and current customers, who would like to meet you, face to face. Seizing the opportunity to interact with peers, experts and influential thought leaders from a range of industries and disciplines. 

Face to face communication will never be beaten as a way of creating relationships, memorable impact and first impressions, or gain valuable feedback for an organization. Over that last few years, many of us have discovered that you just cannot recreate that in print or electronically.

Just a few of the benefits of exhibiting:

•   Event attendees choose to be there, making trade shows the truest representation of 'permission' marketing and selling available to companies, one far removed from the intrusive 'interruption' marketing alternatives, such TV, radio, DM or pop up advertising.

•   Events offer multi-sensory marketing; the only business environment where your customers can interact with you on a quintessential level.

•   Events allow direct face-to-face engagement with your potential customer base, which is still universally the preferred way to do business.

•   Events offer a diverse melting pot of attendees, bringing together an abundant audience of buyers, suppliers, purchase influencers consultants and media.

•  The only way you can really counter negative views and turn them into positive ones and potential customers, is face to face, emotive conversations.

•  Create an image of one of the leading lights in your industry, whilst your competitors are noted for their absence.

Find out more about about visiting or exhibiting here.

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