Making space for sand

Harnessing the power of sand dunes as coastal sea defences.

2 min read

Making space for sand


Making Space For Sand (MS4S) is one of 25 projects being funded by Defra as part of the £200 million Flood and Coastal Resilience Innovation Programme (FCRIP).

The project focusses on 40 locations around the Cornish coast where communities sit behind the protection of coastal sand and dunes as natural coast defences. 

Often where roads and buildings have been developed around coastal dunes, consideration hasn't been given to how mobile they are. This can result in the dunes being limited in their potential to store sand and be effective coastal defences.

Using cutting-edge modelling of coastal processes, the project will identify problems associated with sea level rise, coastal change and coastal erosion, as well as ways to encourage a more sustainable use and development of the coastal fringe. 

Enabling a more natural, ecosystem approach to coastal management will mean making space for sand dunes to naturally change and move over time, enabling them to be effective coastal defences, providing longevity to the communities relying on their protection.

Without changes to the management of beaches and dunes, they risk being squeezed out, which could result in faster erosion, compounding the problem faced by landowners and communities located behind them.

To find out more about the project, visit the Making Space For Sand project page.

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