CIWEM Urban Drainage Group's Annual Conference

The conference takes place 12-14th November in Birmingham.

1 min read

CIWEM Urban Drainage Group's Annual Conference


The conference is taking place in Birmingham, 12-14th November and is a fantastic opportunity for all those involved in urban drainage and surface water management to hear about opportunities and challenges as well as network with (old and new) colleagues.

Relevant, engaging and thought provoking content can be guaranteed over the three days, this will be delivered through presentations, roundtables and workshops.

Key themes include:

🔍 Reflection and celebration - With UDG (WAPUG as once was) and the Urban Pollution Management (UPM) Manual reaching significant milestones it's an ideal opportunity to reflect and consider the future of sewerage asset performance.

📰 Drainage and Wastewater Management Plans (DWMPs) - Looking to the future with cycle 2 of DWMPs and what that means for the future and collaboration within the wider sector.

👷‍♀️ Storm overflow discharges - Opportunities to share good practice and innovation on delivery of programmes and approaches to deliver greater compliance and societal expectations.

🏡 Resilience - exploring how we maintain and manage a resilient network. How can we plan and design together to manage the risks of surface water flooding.

💻 Using technology throughout the project and asset life cycle - Looking at the plethora of tools and technologies (AI, machine learning, optimisation, active system control, modelling) and how they can support the sector in delivering at scale and pace.

💡 If you have something you wish to share, please respond to our call for papers (closes 4 August).

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