Consultation on potentially vulnerable areas in Scotland

Share your views on the proposed Potentially Vulnerable Areas for Scottish Ministers to consider later this year.

1 min read

Consultation on potentially vulnerable areas in Scotland


Potentially Vulnerable Areas (PVAs) are areas where significant flood risk exists now, or is likely to occur in the future.

These designated areas help Scotland to understand flood risk and prioritise resources to protect people, properties, businesses, communities, infrastructure and the environment.

PVAs were first identified in 2011, with a 6 year review cycle. There were updated in 2018, and are due to be updated again in December 2024.

This consultation is to invite your views on the proposed changes. The deadline for taking part is 24 June 2024. A summary of responses will then be shared on the SEPA website, and this will be used to inform the proposals put forward.

Scottish Ministers will formally designate and publish the PVAs in December this year.

The consultation responses will also be used to inform future flood risk management work.

Click here for the survey link and details of accessing paper copies or supporting documentation.

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